Page 220 - J. P Morgan Collection of Chinese Art and Porcelain
P. 220


purple, green, and rose, a dark-green sea foaming
around him. Round base of neck is a band of red, yel-
low, and blue flowers on black speckle under clear-
green enamel, with four white oblong reserves with
rounded and indented ends defined in bright purple,
each containing a purple and yellow p'an-lung, or water-

dragon.                   Height 20 inches.
K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).

  400, 401 . TWO CYLINDRICAL VASES with trum-

pet mouths. Large vertical leaf-shaped reserves on a
brilliant blue ground which is overlaid with isolated
prunus blossoms. Graceful decoration of flowers in
brilliant enamels and gold fill the reserves. Mounted

in French ormolu.

Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795).  Height 19J2 inches.

402. GLOBULAR BOTTLE. In dark tea-glaze

with four circular reserves, in the white paste, each con-

taining an arrangement of brilliant flowers in trans-
Aparent enamels within a gold border.
                                       good speci-

men of the softly mottled tea dust {ch'a yeh mo) ground

of the Ch'ien-lung period, flecked all over with points

of gold, a production of the imperial factory, with the

seal mark of the reign stamped underneath in the paste.

Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795).  Height \2]A inches.

403. OVOID VASE, egg-shell porcelain. Two re-

serves on a blue reticulated ground, containing land-

scapes copied from Dresden originals. Band of gold

floral and geometric ornament about the open neck.

Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795).  Height loK inches.


borate design of floral scroll-work with flowers in rose,
lilac, sulphur-yellow and delicate greens, alternating
with two leaf-shaped white reserves, each showing a

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