Page 251 - J. P Morgan Collection of Chinese Art and Porcelain
P. 251
orated with conventional lotus with scroll stalks and
leaves in white reserve on a red ground, interrupted by
three white upright foHated lozenge reserves, two en-
closing birds and flowers, and one with emblems, in
enamel colors. Above and below three foliated semi-
lozenges intervene, containing red chrysanthemums
with scroll leaves in green. Height 10^4 inches.
K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).
514. ROSE-BACKED PLATE, egg-shell porcelain.
In the central white circle on a brilliant cobalt-blue
rock in the yellow-green earth stands a pheasant of
gorgeous plumage. His mate sits to the right partly
concealed by the rock, from behind which branch out
rose and white peonies with yellow and blue green
leaves and brilliant yellow asters below.
8XEarly Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795). Diameter inches.
515. ROSE-BACKED PLATE, egg-shell porce-
lain. In the foreground, preening his breast, stands
a chocolate-colored quail mottled with bluish-white, his
head and breast a pale rosy-brown; to the right stands
his mate looking upward at a butterfly of iridescent
green and rose that comes flying to the rose and yellow
chrysanthemum which forms a background to the birds;
to the left another quail approaches, looking for food
Ain the sand. border of arabesque scrolls in brilliant
cobalt on white, edged with black and gold, separates
the white centre from the edge.
Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795). Diameter 8 inches.
516. ROSE-BACKED PLATE, egg-shell porcelain.
In the centre, to the right, on a purple-gray and black
rock, stands a quail preening his left shoulder, his head,
wings, and back are dark chocolate, the latter streaked
with bluish-white; his breast is pale rosy-brown. Be-
yond him grow white and rose chrysanthemums, with