Page 282 - J. P Morgan Collection of Chinese Art and Porcelain
P. 282


  692. WINE-POT, shaped as a hen with chickens.

The body yellow; the head red, blending into the green

of the neck, wings, and tail.

K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).         Height ^]i inches.

693. HEXAGONAL TEA-POT with fish handle.

The body black with buff-edged panels pierced in floral

design; handle and spout buff and green.

K'ang-hsi (i 662-1 722).       Height 6}4 inches.


sides pierced honeycomb panels supporting red flower-

ing plum-trees; the lids pierced in floral design, painted
in delicate rose, yellow, and green.

K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).         Height 5 inches.

  TWO696, 697. GLOBULAR TEA-POTS with

fluted saucers. Chrysanthemum and peony scroll de-
sign in brilliant enamels on black.

Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795).

                          4XTea-pots: Height  inches.

                          Saucers: Diameter 53./ inches.

  698, 699. TWO GLOBULAR TEA-POTS with sau-

cers. With pentafoliate design in black and rose ela-
borated with floral ornament in brilliant colors.

Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795).
                                          Tea-pots: Height 4^2 inches.
                                          Saucers: Diameter 6 inches.

700. TEA-POT. An exquisitely painted tea-pot

decorated in fme enamel of the famille rose with gold.

The rich floral and diapered grounds and the reserved

panels of foliated outline filled with characteristic

pictures of fighting cocks and peonies suggest that it

must once have belonged to an eggshell tea service

made for Europe. 1 1 is really an early Ch'ien-lung piece.

Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795).       Height 4X inches.

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