Page 329 - J. P Morgan Collection of Chinese Art and Porcelain
P. 329


bat, the emblem of happiness, are worked in high

undercut rehef, and colored with the same palette.

Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795).         Height 21 inches.

  912. OVOID JAR with lion cover. A ground of

scroll lotus on black in brilliant colors supports four
foliated oval reserves enclosing landscapes and flowers;
rows of deep rose petals, with floral decorations, en-
circle the base and shoulder.

Ch'ien-lung (i 736-1 795).       Height 24K inches.

TWO913,914.  OVOID JARS with lion covers.

Elaborate decorations of chrysanthemum and em-

blems in brilliant colors on black, with leaf-scroll and

fruit-shaped reserves enclosing flowers, birds, and deer.

Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795).         Height 33 inches.

             (plate lxxvi)

  915,916. TWO OVOID FLUTED VASES with

lion covers. Red, yellow, and white chrysanthemum-

scroll on a black ground supporting reserves of varied
form enclosing landscapes and flowers in brilliant


Ch'ien-lung (i 736-1 795).       Height 18K inches.

917. COVERED FLUTED BOWL. Rose and white

peonies, red, yellow, and white asters, and convolvulus

with green scroll leaves on a black ground.

Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795).         Height 8 inches.

  918,919. TWO CUPS AND SAUCERS. Decor-

ated with a figure scene, apparently copied from a
European copper-engraving, in low-toned colors and


Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795).
                                               Cups: Height \}4 inches.

                                      Saucers: Diameter 4>< inches.

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