Page 353 - J. P Morgan Collection of Chinese Art and Porcelain
P. 353
1059. PLATE. With scalloped border outlined in
red. Of the nine intervals three are white with sprays
of rose-colored prunus; the other six have a ground of
flowered square-and-octagon on white, A narrow bor-
der of trellis-work surrounds the white centre, in which
a lady sits holding an orchid in her left hand. On her
left are two children, behind them a large golden jar;
between them and the lady is seen a vase of brilliant
cobalt-blue containing red peonies. On her right is a
large covered jar decorated in blue on white, with gold
top and handles, behind which is a golden lion on a bam-
boo stand, and a vase, the whole in delicate enamel
Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795). Diameter 8^2 inches.
1060. PLATE. With central decoration of flowers
and butterflies in delicate enamel colors, encircled by a
narrow spiral border in gold on black, and a wide border
of black octagon-and-square pattern on rose du Barry,
having three white oblong reserves, with foliated ends
defmed in cobalt blue, containing sprays of red prunus
and chrysanthemum. Centreing between these re-
serves are three circles with the character Shon in deep
blue on white. The rose-colored ground is impinged
upon at its outer edge by a pale green, irregularly un-
dulating border.
Ch'ien-lung (1736-1795). Diameter 8>^ inches.
TWO1061,1062. PLATES. In centre, on aground
of black Y-pattern on pale blue, a large foliated hexa-
gonal white reserve shows a lady holding a ju-i sceptre,
seated in a bright yellow chair; before her are four chil-
dren; to her left are porcelain garden-seats and a large
bright blue vase; to her right, on a blue-topped bamboo
table, stand a peony in a bright blue vase, two bundles
of books, and an incense-burner. The inner border is a
narrow black scroll on pale greenish-yellow; the outer