Page 27 - Christies IMportant Chinese Art Sept 26 2020 NYC
P. 27

                   VESSEL, HE
                   WARRING STATES PERIOD (475-221 BC)
                   The vessel is cast in relief with three bands of confronted birds, the   He of this shape were made in different styles, some with more
                   body of one inverted, bordered by narrow, copper-inlaid bands of   elaborate features than others. This he belongs to the group which
                   continuous scrolls, and is supported on three legs, each in the form   used exotic and fanciful elements as decoration. Jenny So in Eastern
                   of a bird with spread wings perched on the shoulders of a crouching   Zhou Ritual Bronzes from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections, vol.
                   humanoid figure. The forequarters of a bird with hinged beak forms   III, The Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, Washington D.C., 1995, p.
                   the spout on one side opposite its tail projecting from the other side.   409, discusses the differences of he made in the north and the
                   The cover has a monkey-form finial connected by a chain to the arched   south during the Eastern Zhou period, and notes that those from
                   handle formed as the body of a feline-like animal.  the south have more elaborate decoration than those from the
                   11Ω in. (29.1 cm.) long                         north. So illustrates a number of he, pp. 410-11, figs. 84.2-84.5,
                                                                   that demonstrate the differences in decoration, one of which is
                                                                   the example from the Lucy Maud Buckingham Collection, The
                                                                   Art Institute of Chicago, p. 411, fig. 84.3, which is dated 5th or 4th
                                                                   century BC. The Buckingham vessel is very similar to the present
                   Acquired in Hong Kong, 1991.                    he, except for the main bands of decoration, which differ from the
                                                                   very rare design of repeated pairs of confronted birds seen on the
                                                                   present vessel, in which the body of the bird on the left is inverted.
                   戰國 青銅錯紅銅鳳鳥紋三足鳥首提樑盉
                                                                   The Buckingham he is also illustrated by Charles F. Kelley and Ch'en
                                                                   Meng-chia in Chinese Bronzes from the Buckingham Collection, The
                                                                   Art Institute of Chicago, 1946, pp. 109-11, pl. LXII.

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