Page 67 - 2020 Nov 30 Christie's Hong Kong Scholars Art Of China
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The current brushpot exemplifies the 18th-century lacquer carving 本件雕漆筆筒刻工犀利,細膩,紋飾繁複,是十八世紀雕漆風格的代
style, where sharp edged carving is prevalent with an emphasis on
fine details. The subject of Wang Xizhi watching geese is particularly 表作。以羲之觀鵝為筆筒的題材最恰當不過,相傳王羲之便是在觀賞
fitting for a brush pot, since he was supposed to have developed his 鵝怡然自得的游水姿態時領悟出書法的筆法。故宮博物院藏有一件非
unique calligraphic style by watching the graceful swimming of geese. 常相似的剔紅筆筒,著錄於《Palace Museum: Peking》,倫敦,1982年,
A very similar brush pot in the Palace Museum, Beijing, is illustrated 圖版 170。台北故宮博物院也藏有一件帶乾隆款,雕羲之換鵝題材的
in The Palace Museum: Peking, London, 1982, pl. 170. Another brush
pot with a Qianlong mark carved with the subject of Wang Xizhi 筆筒,著錄於《龢光剔彩》,台北,2008 年,第 149 號。另外有一件
exchanging a goose with his calligraphy, is in the National Palace 帶嘉慶款的剔紅筆筒,題材與本件相同但是風格稍有差異,可兹比較,
Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Carving the Subtle Radiance of Colors, 著錄於《中國美術全集》,第 8 集,187 號。香港蘇富比有一件雕高
Taipei, 2008, no. 149. Compare also, the brush pot with Jiaqing mark 士賞琴的同類筆筒,可資比較,2006 年 10 月 8 日,拍品 1095 號。
illustrated in Zhongguo meishu quanji, vol 8., no. 187. A brush pot of
the same form carved with scholars playing qin was sold at Sotheby’s
Hong Kong, 8 October 2006, lot 1095.