Page 16 - JJ Lally Ancient Chinese Jades, 1988
P. 16

4.  A N eolithic Jade Bird F orm P endant
                                                               Hongshan Culture, circa 3800–2700 B.C.
                                                               of flattened form, with wings displayed, the slightly rounded body with a short beak and bulging
                                                               eyes on the upper edge, the reverse plain, pierced with a ‘bull nose’ channel for suspension, the
                                                               grayish green stone with cloudy mottling.
                                                               Width 1 ⁄8 inches (4.8 cm)
                                                               Compare the similar Hongshan bird form pendant, excavated from the Nasitai site in Balinyouqi, Inner Mongolia and now
                                                               in the Balinyouqi Museum, described as an owl and illustrated by Gu (ed.), Zhongguo chutu yuqi quanji (Complete Collection
                                                               of Jades Unearthed in China), Vol. 2, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Beijing, 2005, p. 26.
                                                               Another similar Hongshan bird form pendant of larger size in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing, is illustrated by
                                                               Gu (ed.) in Zhongguo chuanshi yuqi quanji (Chinese Jades in Traditional Collections), Vol. 1, Neolithic Period, Shang, Western
                                                               Zhou, Spring and Autumn Period, Warring States Period, Beijing, 2010, p. 21.

                                                               อͩኜࣛ˾cߎʆ͗ⴧcᄱ 4.8᩶Ϸ

                                                             5.  A N eolithic Jade Oblong P endant
                                                               Hongshan Culture, circa 3800–2700 B.C.
                                                               of rounded form, carved on both sides with a central panel of deep grooves separated by five
                                                               ribs extending to pointed teeth at the lower edge, a small hole at the center of the upper edge for
                                                               suspension, the olive green stone with cloudy tan mottling.
                                                               Length 3 ⁄8 inches (9.2 cm)
                                                               Compare the Hongshan oblong pendant discovered at Aohanqi, Inner Mongolia, now in the collection of the Aohanqi
                                                               Museum, illustrated by Gu (ed.), Zhongguo chutu yuqi quanji (Complete Collection of Jades Unearthed in China), Vol. 2, Inner
                                                               Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Beijing, 2005, p. 32
                                                               Compare also the Hongshan oblong pendant discovered in Anyang, Henan province from the tomb of Lady Hao (circa 1200
                                                               B.C.), illustrated in the catalogue of the exhibition organized by the National Palace Museum, Taipei, Wu Ding yu Fu Hao:
                                                               Yin Shang shengshi wenhua yishu tezhan (King Wu Ding and Lady Hao: Art and Culture of the Late Shang Dynasty), Taipei,
                                                               2012, p. 119, no. III-3.

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