Page 52 - Buddhist Sculpture From Anciet China, 2017, J.J. Lally, New York
P. 52

21.  A Bronze Seated Guanyin with a Dragon
                 Song–Yuan Dynasty, 12th–14th Century
                 the bodhisattva shown seated in the posture of royal ease on a rustic throne, with eyes half-closed
                 and serene expression, the left elbow resting on a stack of books and holding a small vial of the
                 elixir of mercy in the extended left hand, the right arm resting on the raised right knee and the right
                 hand extended in vitarka mudra, wearing a dhoti loosely tied at the waist, adorned with elaborate
                 jewelry including bracelets, armlets, heavy earrings, multiple necklaces, beaded girdles, and a high
                 openwork crown surmounted by three Buddhas seated on lotus, the hair dressed in braids trailing
                 down over the shoulders and entwined with long scarves draped over the arms and hanging down
                 onto the roughly combed base on either side of a horned dragon leaping up with jaws open and
                 holding a ‘pearl’ over its head, the surface with dark brown patina overall.
                 Height 11 ⁄8 inches (28.3 cm)
                 宋 - 元 銅觀音坐像 高 28.3 厘米
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