Page 141 - 2021 March 15th Fine Chinese Paintings and Works of Art, Bonhams NYC New York
P. 141
PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE AMERICAN COLLECTION For a dish of similar shonzui type painted with five medallions reserved
on a multi-cell ground and similarly dressed at the rim in iron-brown,
161 see Christie’s, London, The Peony Pavilion Collection: Chinese Tea
A BLUE AND WHITE AND ENAMELED SHONZUI-STYLE Ceramics for Japan (c.1580-1650), 12 June 1989, lot 318, where
attention is drawn to the likelihood that such pieces were a ‘special
Chongzhen (1628-1644) commission’ ordered from China by the Japanese for the tea-
Painted at the center in a mix of underglaze blue and overglaze ceremony, which in view of the bold coloring may have been destined
enamels and iron-red with five small circular medallions each painted for the ‘daimyo-cha’ or ‘pretty’ tea (kirei-sabi) for aristocratic ladies,
with a differing flowerhead, all reserved on a larger quartered cell- where such bright pieces would be more acceptable than in Rikyu-
ground medallion picked out in iron-red with Y-pattern, hexagonal style austere tea
diaper, blossoms on scales and a square star-burst diaper, the deep
cavetto further decorated in a mix of underglaze blue and overglaze
enamels with branches of flowering peony, chrysanthemum, prunus
blossom and pomegranate divided by single birds in flight and a
butterfly, the everted rim painted in iron-red with further flowerheads
and cell pattern, the exterior sides painted in enamels of green, brown,
black and iron-red with two groupings of the so-called ‘three-friends-
of-winter’, pine, bamboo and cherry blossom each divided by a flying
bird, the rim-edge dressed in an iron-brown glaze.
10in (25.4cm) diameter
$6,000 - 8,000
明崇禎 五彩祥瑞式折沿大盤