Page 25 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 25


               A FINE JIAN ‘HARE’S FUR’ TEA BOWL                 南宋   建窯兔毫盌

               SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY (1127-1279)                 來源
               The bowl is thickly potted with a narrow groove below the rim,   淺野侯爵(1895-1969)珍藏,此後一直於家族中流傳
               covered overall with a lustrous black glaze streaked with fine
               ‘hare’s fur’ markings on the interior and exterior where the glaze
               stops above the foot exposing the chocolate-brown body. The   展覽
               mouth is bound with a metal mount.                1951年借展予東京國立博物館
               5 in. (12.6 cm.) diam., Japanese lacquered wood box  淺野侯爵(1895-1969),淺野家第二十九代家主,日本政治家、美術
               HK$200,000-400,000              US$26,000-52,000  史家。1951年出任東京国立博物館館長。淺野家從十六世紀至1871年為
               Collection of Marquis Asano (1895 –1969), 29th head of the
               Asano clan, and thence by descent within the family
               On loan to the Tokyo National Museum in 1951
               Marquis Asano (1895 –1969) was the 29th head of the Asano family,
               which ruled as Daimyo of Hiroshima domain from the 16th century until
               1871. Marquis Asano was a politician as well as an art historian, and
               became Director of the Tokyo National Museum in 1951.


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