Page 54 - Davies Collection of Chinese Porcelain
P. 54
144' Ovoid vase, covered entirely with a pistache-green glaze over a fine crackle.
Yung-Ching period. Height 9^ inches.
145. Bottle-shaped vase with bulbous lip supported on a foot, covered with a red
glaze. Six character mark in double ring. Yung-Ching period. Height 8 inches.
146. Flat-shaped pilgrim bottle covered with a celadon glaze, decorated with the
figure of a dragon and waves in relief. Issuing from the lip and descending to the
shoulder are handles lightly modelled as sceptres. Surrounding the lip is a band of
Joey heads. Seal mark. Kien-Lung period. Height 8^ inches.
147. Wide-mouthed oviform vase covered with a brilliant green glaze decorated
with a landscape scene in black. Kien-Lung period. Height 7^ inches.
148. Short-necked elongated bottle of ivory-white porcelain decorated with an
incised formal design of flowers and foliage ; round the neck is a band of Joey heads,
and at the foot another band representing plaited grass. Yung-Ching period. Height
6 inches.
A149. bottle with oviform body, long neck and slightly spreading lip, covered
with a canary colour glaze on fine egg-shell porcelain. Six character mark. Yung-
Ching period. Height 7^^ inches.
150. Bottle-shaped vase with globular body and long straight neck, covered with
Aa red glaze splashed with green. reproduction of the earlier " snow-flake." Yung-
Ching period. Height 8^ inches.