Page 76 - Davies Collection of Chinese Porcelain
P. 76

relieved with four oblong panels containing figures of kylins playing with brocade
balls. At the foot is an archaic brocade in yellow, blue, green, and rouge-de-fer,

with margins of green and aubergine. The flanged lip has a diaper design in

green and yellow, relieved with four small reserves in which are sacred emblems,
etc. Each section is bordered with yellow, blue, green, and rouge-de-fer bands.
Inside the lip is a representation of a brocade border in rouge-de-fer, pale and dark
green and blue, intersected with four reserves containing flowers in colours on a
white ground.

   The companion bowl has a rich green background marbled in black to represent

shagreen; floating on this are hawthorn blossoms in blue and rouge-de-fer, lined with
black. This decoration is relieved with four panels containing landscapes richly

enamelled. At the base is an archaic band in green, yellow, and aubergine. On the

exterior of the flanged rim are sprays of flowers and Buddhistic symbols. The inside

of the rim is enamelled a rich green with a pencilled design of the Grecian key in
black, on which there are dragons with bifurcated tails in blue and rouge-de-fer,
marked in black. All richly enamelled in fine famille-verte colours on white.

Exceedingly fine specimens. Six character mark in double ring. Kang-He period.

Diameter 8 inches.

196. An oviform vase with short neck and slightly out-turned lip, decorated with

large figures of the Emperor supported by an attendant, preceding him is another

carrying a banner. At the back is the god of longevity with his fly-whisk, also

two other figures. On the reverse are large rocks and plantain trees. By the side

Onof the rocks is an inscribed poem in black with the artist's seal in red.  the neck

is a blue band with the Grecian key design pencilled in black, and on the shoulder a

broad stippled green border with formal foliage and lotus flowers, this border

terminating in an aubergine and green band, from which is suspended a circle of

Joey heads in green pencilled in black. All richly enamelled in fine famille-verte

colours on a white ground. Six character mark. Kang-He period. Height 9^ inches.

    197. Miniature cylindrical vase decorated with a large flowering hawthorn tree

and small flying birds. Near the foot is a broad band. On the shoulder is a border

of brocade design in rouge-de-fer on white, intersected with four reserves containing
sacred emblems in blue and aubergine on white, and the neck is decorated with a
spray of bamboo leaves pencilled in black on white, above and below narrow bands
of green with black markings. All finely drawn and richly enamelled in famille-
verte colours on a white ground. Kang-He period. Height 10 inches.

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