Page 22 - Tankards & Mugs, Chinese Export Porcelain, Jorge Welsh
P. 22

08 Three

                   Porcelain decorated in  These three mugs, each in the shape of a truncated    The shape of these mugs derives from
                   underglaze cobalt blue  cone, with unglazed flat bases, convex at the         a German stoneware prototype that was used
                                           centre, and C-shaped handles, are painted in          for beer drinking in Northern Europe. Known
                   Jindezhen kilns,        underglaze cobalt blue in the early Transitional      as schnelle, these were a type of ‘mug with cover’,
                   Jiangxi province        style, with figures in a fenced garden, mountains     with a tall, cylindrical body, and neck and base
                                           and rivers in the background, V-shaped grass, and     usually moulded with wide ribbing (fig. 8a). This
                   Ming dynasty,           layers of rocks and clouds that are characteristic    shape presumably developed from tall wooden
                   Chongzhen period        of the period. Two of the mugs have borders with      receptacles made of several parts.1 Vessels of this
                   (1628-1644),            a stylized floral scroll, and the other has long and  shape first appeared in Cologne in the 16th century,
                   ca. 1635-1644           undulating leaves, around the rim. The central mug    but were also made in Siegburg, near Cologne,
                                           (illustrated) has a band of stylised petals between   and in Raeren (now Belgium), although the
                   H 20.5 cm; MØ 7.6 cm;   a pair of double circles around the foot.             latter were usually larger (fig. 8b). →
                   BØ 9.8 cm; V 705 ml
                   (app. 1 ¼ UK pints)

                   H 19.9 cm; MØ 7.2 cm;
                   BØ 10.2 cm; V 665 ml
                   (app. 1 ¼ UK pints)

                   H 19 cm; MØ 7.6 cm;
                   BØ 9.7 cm; V 720 ml
                   (app. 1 ¼ UK pints)

                   SL Collection

Tankards and Mugs

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