Page 31 - Tankards & Mugs, Chinese Export Porcelain, Jorge Welsh
P. 31
This cylindrical mug is moulded with three 39 Mug
horizontal ridges around the flat base, and has
a curved handle. Painted in several shades of Porcelain decorated in
underglaze cobalt blue, the mug is decorated underglaze cobalt blue
with a multi-lobed border enclosing flowers and Jindezhen kilns,
white flower heads on a blue ground, alternating Jiangxi province
with chrysanthemums and foliage above the ribbing Qing dynasty, Kangxi
around the base, below lotus flowers intertwined period (1662-1722)
with scrolls. A narrow border of swastikas encircles H 9 cm
MØ 5.4 cm
the rim. • BØ 5.5 cm
V 100 ml
(app. ¼ UK pint) Tankards and Mugs
Jorge Welsh Works
of Art, Lisbon/London