Page 40 - Tankards & Mugs, Chinese Export Porcelain, Jorge Welsh
P. 40

120 Mug

                   Porcelain decorated in  This cylindrical mug has a loop handle and             Opinions on the meaning of this scene are divided.
                   overglaze famille rose  is finely painted in overglaze famille rose enamels    Some authors suggest that it might possibly repre­
                   enamels and gold        and gold. On the side opposite the handle is a large   sent the death of Mary II, Queen of England,
                                           rectangular cartouche, framed by gilt scrollwork       with her husband William II, Prince of Orange
                   Qing dynasty, Qianlong  outlined in black, depicting a scene with figures      beside her, while her sister, who later succeeded
                   period (1736-1795),     in a bedroom: a lady is reclining in bed; a gentleman  her as queen, kneels at her side. It is difficult to
                   ca. 1750                with a pointed beard stands next to her dressed        understand, however, why this event would be
                                           in long robes, while five ladies, all wearing long     commemorated on the fiftieth anniversary after
                   H 11.4 cm               and colourful dresses, are grouped around the bed.     Queen Mary’s death in 1694.1 Other authors
                   MØ 9.6 cm               Two are engaged in a conversation, while another       suggest that this scene may honour the death
                   BØ 9.4 cm               two are watching the bed, and the fifth is kneeling    of a well known figure, or may illustrate a scene
                   V 600 ml                beside the bed. Five scattered floral sprays decorate  from a tragedy. The ‘Death of the Virgin’ seems
                   (app. 1 UK pint)        the mug: two on each side of the medallion and         to have been ruled out from the list of possibilities
                                           a further one below the handle.                        since, traditionally, the twelve disciples surround
                   Jorge Welsh Works                                                              the Virgin in one of the most common scenes
                   of Art, Lisbon/London   The scene decorating this mug is based on an
                                           unidentified European engraving. Some authors          represented in art.2 •
                                           suggest that the original source was probably
                                           English, Dutch or Scandinavian, and dated              1	Howard and Ayers, 1978, vol. I, p. 242, no. 238.
                                           somewhere between 1690 and 1720.                       2	Hervouët and Bruneau, 1986, p. 205, no. 9.38.

Tankards and Mugs

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