Page 10 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
P. 10

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        PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE EUROPEAN COLLECTION  (二)灋甌香館用筆,丁亥(1887)夏隔山樵子居廉。                                     巴慰祖    松壑飛泉                                with one collector’s seal
        JU LIAN 1828-1904                           (三)隔山老人居廉作。                                                     設色紙本    立軸                                 79.4 by 34.6 cm. 31¼ by 13⅝ in.
        Flowers and Birds                                                                                                                                      HK$ 40,000-60,000
                                                    鈐印:「古泉」(三鈐)、「居廉私印」                                              署簽:(長尾甲)巴雋堂仿王叔明山水,長尾甲簽。鈐印:
        ink and colour on paper, a set of four, mounted for framing                                                 「雨山」                                       US$ 5,200-7,800
        signed Ju Lian, Geshanqiaozi Ju Lian(twice), Geshanlaoren Ju                                                釋文:肯使紙頭稱畫聖,不容摩詰志詩壇。驅豪豈有愚公                  翁同龢    林亭幽勝
        Lian, dated dinghai(1887) and with four seals of the artist  2513                                           力?萬壑千崖掌上看。黃鶴山樵遠宗摩詰,近師文敏,參
        128.6 by 32.7 cm. 50⅝ by 12⅞ in. (4)                                                                                                                   水墨灑金紙本    立軸    一八八四年作
                                                    BA WEIZU 1744-1793                                              以董源,故足與倪黃方駕。雋堂巴慰祖。鈐印:「慰祖之
        HK$ 100,000-200,000                                                                                         印」、「巴氏書畫」
                                                    Pine and Waterfall                                                                                         釋文:林亭幽勝。倣梅道人筆意,甲申(1884)二月叔平翁
        US$ 13,000-25,900                                                                                           鑑藏印:(戴培之)「戴培之家珍藏」                          同龢。
                                                    ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll
                                                    signed Juantang Ba Weizu and with two seals of the artist
        歐洲私人收藏                                                                                                      2514
                                                    with one collector’s seals of Dai Peizhi(1902-1977)                                                        題跋:(馮超然)翁同和,字叔平,一字聲甫,又號瓶廬,
        居廉    花鳥蟲草                                  Titleslip by Uzan Nagao (1864-1942) and with one seal of his    WENG TONGHE 1830-1904                      常熟人。天性聰明,幼有神童之目。咸豐丙辰(1856)進
        設色紙本    鏡片    四屏    一八八七年作                  95 by 41.3 cm. 37⅜ by 16¼ in.                                   Mountain Pavilion                          士,賜一甲一名及第,居家孝友,立朝方嚴,疊掌文衡,
        款識:                                         HK$ 80,000-120,000                                              ink on gold-flecked paper, hanging scroll
        (一)居廉。                                      US$ 10,400-15,600                                               signed Shuping Weng Tonghe, titled, dated jiashen(1884) and   古趣盎然。然僅為家人子弟偶一揮染,未嘗為外人作也。
                                                                                                                    with one seal of the artist                丁未(1907)孟秋月之初,昆陵超然馮迥拜觀並題於廬江兩
                                                                                                                    Inscription by Feng Chaoran (1882-1954), dated dingwei(1907)   宜軒。鈐印:「馮迥題記」、「超然眼福」
                                                                                                                    and with two seals of his                  鑑藏印:「西章羅氏珍藏」

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