Page 145 - Chinese Works of Art Bonhams Sept 2015
P. 145
LOTS 8169-8170
8169 were not only meant as a glorification of military success, but to
AFTER LANG SHINING (GIUSEPPE CASTIGLIONE, 1688-1766) provide a historical record of the affair.
Victory Banquet at Ziguangge
Horizontal scroll, ink and bright mineral pigments on silk, inscribed Haixi The painting opens on the eastern bank of Zhonghai (the Middle Lake)
chen Lang Shining gong xie followed by two artist’s seals, with an exterior with palace attendants bearing baskets of provisions for the event.
titleslip embroidered Yuzhi Tai Ye Fan Zhi Tu, between couched dragons, Across the lake, with the marble bridge and Beihai Pagoda visible
with a frontispiece in large running script reading Ziguang Kai Yuan with in the deep distance, the Qianlong emperor arrives in a sedan chair,
one calligrapher’s seal, mounted with a titled slip on yellow paper reading born by sixteen eunuchs and flanked by the elite imperial guard. Along
Yuzhi Tai Ye Fan Zhi Tu followed by inscriptions in Manchurian, Mongolian, the way brown and blue-robed princes and high officials kneel as the
Arabic and Tibetan scripts, with numerous colophons mounted after the procession approaches a temporary felt tent (ger) assembled at the
painting, ink on paper, in Chinese and Manchurian, with a padded silk steps of Ziguangge. Within the tent, the imperial throne is positioned.
scroll jacket with an embroidered title reading Yuzhi Ziguang Kai Yuan tu. On the opposite side of the tent Mongolian nobles kneel in anticipation
of the emperor’s imminent arrival. Bolts of silk, to be given as gifts to
26 1/4 x 261in (66.7 x 662.9cm), the painting only the attendees, await distribution after the banquet.
$50,000 - 70,000
仿郎世寧 紫光凱宴 設色絹本 横幅
Provenance It is likely that this scroll depicts the celebration of the Qing conquest
Donated to the Federal City Council, Washington, D.C. 1988 of Dzungharia and Altishar, one of the most significant of the Qianlong
Simon Kriger (1900-1985), Washington, D.C. Emperor’s “Ten Great Military Campaigns” which greatly expanded
the Qing Empire to include much of what defines modern China’s
Simon Kriger was raised in the Russian community of Harbin, China, current boundaries. This specific battle (1755-1759) expanded the
before immigrating to the United States in 1938. Mr. Kriger became a Qing empire both to the north and west to encompass the current
prominent art dealer and art patron in Washington, DC, specializing in territory of Xinjiang. The victory banquet was originally commemorated
Chinese antiques. in a painting by the court artist Ding Guanpeng (1736-1796) and was
later re-drawn by the Jesuit artist Guiseppe Castiglione (1688-1766)
The present scroll depicts an imperial procession approaching a.k.a. Lang Shining, whose rendition would be made into copperplate
Ziguangge (Hall of Purple Brilliance) at the present day Zhongnanhai prints, along with other scenes commemorating the “Ten Great
compound in Beijing. Opening inscriptions and titleslip denote the Military Campaigns”. Whereas the present scroll includes many of the
subject of the painting as a “victory banquet”, one of many diplomatic elements in both the Ding Guanpeng and Lang Shining compositions,
affairs that were held in the garden adjacent to the Forbidden City. the handscroll format allows the artist to include a greater panoramic
Such events were often commemorated by Qing court artists, and view of the landscape that surrounds the Ziguangge compound.