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P. 118
This well-proportioned meiping is rare among Jizhou wares, for being fully 仿剔犀紋梅瓶是吉州窯中罕見的品種。此一裝飾是入窯前用淺黃色釉在黑
decorated with ruyi patterns in the style of tixi lacquer. This effect was 釉上繪製出剔犀風格的圖案後,再經窯燒而成。燒製過程中淺黃釉與黑釉
achieved by painting the ruyi patterns in buff-colour on top of the unfired 交融,紋飾稍有流淌,並產生藍色乳濁窯變,使裝飾效果愈加豐富。相似
black glaze. 的吉州仿剔犀紋梅瓶見諸著錄的有三例,一件出土於江西省樟樹市南宋
Three comparable tixi-decorated Jizhou meiping are published: one with 東京國立博物館, 載於東京1982年出版《Oriental Ceramics: the World’s
similar decoration but of a truncated form was excavated from a Southern Great Collections》,卷1,單色圖版95;另有一件售於紐約蘇富比,2014
Song tomb in Zhangshu city, Jiangxi province, illustrated in the Zhongguo 年9月16日,拍品103號。日本根津美術館藏有一件南宋剔犀如意紋梅瓶,
chutu ciqi quanji (Complete Collection of Ceramic Art Unearthed in 載於東京2004年出版《宋元の美》,圖錄編號44。漆器剔犀紋飾亦為銀器
China), Beijing, 2008, vol. 14: Jiangxi, p. 86; a related meiping in the 所效仿,見河北2004年出版《中國金銀玻璃琺瑯器全集》,卷2,168頁,
Tokyo National Museum is published in the Oriental Ceramics: the 編號300 (圖一) 。
World’s Great Collections, vol. 1: Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo, 1982,
monochrome plates, no. 95; and another meiping of similar form and
decoration was sold at Sotheby’s New York, 16 September 2014, lot 103.
The present vase has the most desirable golden opalescent quality of the
design contrasts very effectively with the dense, dark brown glaze beneath.
For a lacquer prototype, see Nezu Museum, The Colors and Forms of Song
and Yuan China: Featuring Lacquerwares, Ceramics, and Metalwares, Tokyo,
2004, Catalogue, no. 44.
This design is also seen in Southern Song silver ware such as the one from
the Sichuan Provincial Museum, illustrated in Zhongguo jinyin boli falangqi
quanji (Compendium of Chinese Silver, Glass, and Lacquer Wares),
Hebei, 2004, vol. 2, p, 168, no. 300 (fig. 1).
fig. 1 A silver tixi-style meiping, Southern Song 116
Dynasty, Collection of the Sichuan Provincial Museum
圖一 南宋 銀如意紋梅瓶 四川省博物館藏品
The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(一)