Page 124 - Chinese Ceramics the Linyushanren Collection Part 1 , Christie's
P. 124
A RARE QINGBAI TORTOISE-FORM is particularly distinctive. These small objects include censers,
INKSTONE AND COVER bird feeders, water droppers of various forms, and ink stones.
This specially designed tortoise-form inkstone is extremely
SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY (1127-1279) rare. The only other known example is from the Meiyintang
Collection in the Museum Rietberg, Zurich, illustrated in
The cover is realistically modelled in the form of a tortoise Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection,
sticking its head out of the ridged shell that is moulded with a London, 1994, vol. 1, p. 334, no. 624. This form was
hexagonal pattern. The box in the form of the body of a tortoise probably inspired by tortoise figurines produced in the same
with four feet at the sides is potted with a raised circular palette kilns, such as the one from the Meiyintang Collection in the
in the interior. The box and cover are covered with a transparent Museum Rietberg, Zurich, illustrated ibid., vol. 1, p. 334,
pale blue glaze except the interior of the cover, the rims, stud no. 625.
surface and base of the box which is pierced with a hole. The
eyes of the tortoise are highlighted with iron-brown spots. 南宋 青白釉龜形蓋硯
3 in. (7.5 cm.) wide, Japanese wood box 來源
HK$200,000-400,000 US$26,000-52,000
PROVENANCE 佳士得,《古韻天成:臨宇山人宋瓷珍藏展覽》,香港,2012
Sen Shu Tey, Tokyo 年11月22至27日;紐約,2013年3月15至20日;倫敦,2013年5
Christie’s, The Classical Age of Chinese Ceramics: An Exhibition of 著錄
Song Treasures from the Linyushanren Collection, Hong Kong, 22 to 佳士得,《古韻天成:臨宇山人宋瓷珍藏展覽》,香港,2012
27 November 2012; New York, 15 to 20 March 2013; London, 年,151頁,編號62
10 to 14 May 2013, Catalogue, no. 62
LITERATURE 一圓柱形台,裡外施釉,釉色青中泛白。南宋青白瓷製作豐
Christie’s, The Classical Age of Chinese Ceramics: An Exhibition 富,品類繁多,其中又以一類文房製品最具特色。青白瓷文房
of Song Treasures from the Linyushanren Collection, Hong Kong, 以水滴,鳥食罐,以及香爐為大宗,而如本品之龜形硯台則至
2012, p. 151, no. 62 為罕見。相似的青白瓷龜形硯僅知瑞士玫茵堂藏一例,著錄於
In Southern Song period, Qingbai wares reached its apogee. 頁,編號52。龜形硯台的器形可能是受青白瓷龜形瓷塑的啟
Among the wide range of porcelains fired in Qingbai kilns, a 發,近似的龜形瓷塑可見前揭書,卷1,334頁,編號625。
group of small objects suitable for the use in scholar’s studio
The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(一) 122