Page 11 - Old Hyderabad China : (history, legend, and characteristics)
P. 11


            (History, Legend, and Characteristics.)

                BY E. H. HUNT, M.A. (oXON).

             {Paper read on I5th December, 1915.)

       I feel highly honoured at being asked to read a

paper on this subject and to commence with must
disclaim any special knowledge, either of the techni-

cal or historical sides of the question.

       The collection shown covers a fairly wide field,
but while it cannot be considered as fully represen-
tative, yet I hope that it will encourage inquiry into
doubtful points, and stimulate interest.

       Various kinds of pottery, or earthernware, have

been made in almost all parts of the world, since pre-
historic times. Some of this ware was beautifully
made, and decorated. The Chinese, probably some-
time about 1000 A.D. or earher, began to make an
improved form, white and translucent when thin.

For this they used a very pure, white clay, called in
their language Kaolin (" The Ridge," from the place
where it was first found). This Kaolin was care-
fully prepared, and mixed with a powdered rock,
called " petuntse," which consisted largely of felspar.
The felspar element partially fused at the tempera-
ture of baking, and rendered the whole translucent.
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