Page 31 - Christie's Fine Chinese Paintings March 19 2019 Auction
P. 31

          WEN YONGCHEN (1922-1995)                            溫永琛 群兒戲鳶圖 設色紙本 鏡片 一九八二年作
          A Hundred Boys                                      溫永琛題識:兒童鬥勝不相饒,秋爽羣嬉放紙鳶。握線乘風齊待
          Scroll, mounted for framing, ink and color on paper  發,看誰先起上青雲。壬戌(1982年)秋日溫永琛畫。
          47 º x 96 √ in. (120 x 246 cm.)                     鈐印:岭南鶴山温氏永琛六十後所作書畫、挾技游食三洋四海五州
          Entitled, inscribed, and signed, with seven seals of the artist  八十餘國、溫、永琛、如意吉祥、怡情悅性
          Dated autumn, renxu year (1982)                     趙少昂題跋:翱翔天際終堪誇,好物惟牢亦可嗟。最惜一時風太
          Colophons by Zhao Shao’ang and Feng Kanghou, with a total of three   勁,不知吹斷落誰家。永琛畫圖並以小詩屬題。壬戌(1982年),
          seals                                               少昂時年七十八。
          PROVENANCE                                          題。
          The painting was acquired directly from the artists in 1982 in Hong   鈐印:馮強
          Kong.                                               來源:1982年於香港直接得自畫家本人。
          This painting was commissioned in 1982 from Wang Yongchen   託畫下這幅作品。畫家本人對成果十分滿意,故請趙少昂(1905-
          when the owner met the artist at the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong.   1998)與馮康侯(1901-1983)題詞。
          Wen Yongchen was so pleased with the result and he asked Zhao
          Shao’ang (1905-1998) and Feng Kanghou (1901-1983) to write

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