Page 60 - Christie's Fine Chinese Paintings March 19 2019 Auction
P. 60

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          CHENG JIEZI (1910-1987)                             CHENG JIEZI (1910-1987)
          Su Shi Hanging Strings of Coins                     Landscape after Wang Hui
          Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper              Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper
          35 Ω x 13 ¡ in. (90 x 34 cm.)                       30 √ x 13 æ in. (78.2 x 35 cm.)
          Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist  Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist
          Dated mid-autumn, second month, xinyou year (1981)  Dated early summer, fourth month, renzi year (1979)
          $400-600                                            Dedicate to Limen (Zhang Zikai, 1900-1983)
          程芥子 東坡節用圖 設色紙本 立軸 一九八一年作                            $600-1,200
          題識:東坡謫齊安,日用不過百五十,每月朔,取錢四千五百,                        程芥子 仿王翬山水 設色紙本 立軸 一九七九年作
          斷為三十塊,掛屋樑上,平日用畫叉挑取一塊,即藏去,又以                         題識:石谷畫幻變如龍,惟欲求其本家面目,非從荊関入手,
          竹筒貯用不盡者,以待賓客。辛酉(1981年)中秋後二日。程芥                      難得真髓。麗門先生方家雅屬即希鑑正。壬子(1979年)夏初四
          子。君復先生補壁,即希粲正。芥子自識。                                 月,程芥子並識。
          鈐印:程、程氏、芥子(兩方),春水樓                                  鈐印:柳燊、芥子、春水樓

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