Page 44 - The Ruth and Carl Barron Collection of Fine Chinese Snuff Bottles: Part I
P. 44


    The bottle is carved through the opaque dark green, pale blue, yellow, red and pink overlay to
    the translucent pink glass ground with a design of a woven basket overfowing with blossoms
    and fruit including two fnger citrons, begonias, sweet peas and a large peony.
    2√ in. (6 cm.) high, rose quartz stopper



    Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd., Hong Kong, 2001
    Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 3167.


    Corning, New York, Corning Museum of Glass, 2007-2008.
    Boston, International Chinese Snuff Bottle Society Convention, The Barron Collection,
    23-26 September 2008.

    There is a whole series of objects decorated with baskets of fowers or fruit decorations which can be
    associated with the eighteenth-century Qing Court. The design is found on Imperial porcelain dishes
    enameled at Jingdezhen and at the Court from the Yongzheng period and on a range of snuff bottles
    attributable to the Palace workshops. Three examples of these imperial examples were in the Bloch
    Collection. Two are of painted enamels on metal from the frst half of the Qianlong period (see Moss,
    Graham, Tsang, A Treasury of Chinese Snuff Bottles, the Mary and George Bloch Collection, Hong
    Kong, 2008, Volume 6, Part I, p. 162, no. 1079 and p. 163, no. 1080), while the third is of the Guyue
    Xuan glass group, an Imperial group of the late Qianlong period certainly associated with, if not made
    at the Court (ibid., p. 227, no. 1005). The design also started to appear on glass overlay bottles. For
    an early example of an early single-color overlay, probably Palace Workshops, where the fruits are
    contained in a bowl rather than a basket see Moss, Graham, Tsang, The Art of the Chinese Snuff
    Bottle, The J&J Collection, New York, 1993, Volume II, p. 603, no. 362.

    The pink ground color of the present example is extremely rare. The overall design is related to a pink
    and green overlay bottle formerly in the J&J Collection, which is designed with a similar green basket
    but with smaller pink begonia blossoms on a white ground (see ibid., p. 642, no. 393). It is interesting
    to compare the bases of these two bottles as they exhibit two independent design choices. On the
    present bottle, the basket motif does not continue on the base, presumably as a result of looking at
    painted-enamel versions which left the base plain for inclusion of a mark. On the J&J bottle the design
    of the basket continues on the base and imitates the base of a basket.

    The popularity of baskets in general at the Court may arise from the probable symbolism of the basket
    (lanzi) which may suggest male children (nanzi), one of the three desires dear to the Chinese heart
    which are embodied in the term sanduo (‘three plenties’). These are, duofu (‘plenty of happiness’),
    duoshou (‘plenty of years to live’) and duonanzi (‘plenty of male children’).

    1750-1850年      御製粉紅地套五色玻璃花籃紋鼻煙壺

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