Page 161 - Chinese and Asian Ceramics from an Indonesian Collection
P. 161
INTRODUCTION and its base, as well as its condition and nature of any
The first part of this Report is based on the 1,783 items repairs (and in very few pieces, reconstructions from a
represented in this ceramic collection obtained from the known object). The height (H) and diameter (D) were
Musi River, Palembang, between July 2013 and December measured in centimetres. Diameter was taken for bowls
2017. As stated in that document, the intention was to only and measured from the outside of the upper rim. A
develop collections from The Musi of both glazed and suggested date and place of its production was provided,
unglazed wares which were representative of their country where possible, as was the reference(s) used to assist in its
of origin, covered their production periods and were identification. The actual site along the Musi River where
in the best possible condition. Only rarely was an item an item was collected was also recorded. Sometimes this
collected that had already been repaired. Rather, where was in a broad uncertain area, such as Boom Baru/ Pusri
possible, undamaged items were collected. But if broken, sites. This lack of clarity came about because sometimes
the original shape was usually clear such that it could be boats would work several areas in a given day and divers
repaired (and not reconstructed). Repair work was not would not be sure as to just where an item was collected.
painted but left so that it was obvious. In a very few cases, The collection comprised Chinese, North Vietnamese,
items were reconstructed from an identical item observed Cham and Thai glazed ware–as well as local, Javanese
and photographed from The River. For each item, all Majapahit, Thai, Khmer, South Vietnamese (including
repair work (and the few items that were reconstructed) that from the Oc Eo culture), Chinese and Philippine
was mentioned. unglazed, slipped and painted ware.
Each item was photographed and was given a unique The Catalogue was organised into three broad sections:
catalogue number preface by the letter K. This number • Glazed-Chinese, North Vietnamese, Cham, Thai;
was followed, in descriptive format, by aspects of the item • Unglazed–Sumatran, Javanese, Oc Eo Culture (Funan
that were not apparent from its photograph, especially Kingdom), Thai, ‘Vajra’ Ware, Chinese, Indian,
information on the nature of its foot ring (if present) Philippines and unknown.
• Glazed and unglazed storage vessels.