Page 23 - Chinese and Asian Ceramics from an Indonesian Collection
P. 23

Ceramics from the Musi River

          Figure 3.  Musi River Basin. Showing major archaeological sites and place name locations. From Rianta (2014).

         attacked Malayu. This event and the rapid spread of Islam   Bangka Island. This forced Parameswara to eventually
         in Indonesia, after first gaining a foothold in Aceh, further   flee, first to Singapore and then to Malacca, where he
         undermined Sriwijaya’s authority in the region. The final   changed his name to Sultan Iskandar Shah, (he converted
         death knell of Sriwijaya was signalled by the movement   to Islam in 1414.) Malacca flourished in the 15th century,
         of this ancient Malay centre of political power inland to   and Parameswara became the sole ruler of the Malacca
         the Minangkabau highlands after being centred on the   Strait and waters around it.
         coastal lowlands for centuries.                       After the Majapahit invasion, there was no major
                                                             political power to control Palembang such that it fell into
         POST-SRIWIJAYA                                      disarray and social fractions and militias quickly formed.
         After the collapse of Sriwijaya, there was a political vacuum   Merchants from China took advantage of this situation
         in Palembang which was filled by the last Sriwijaya prince,   and made Palembang their base, inviting pirates from
         Parameswara. He tried to regain some of the commercial   China to take up residence there. The traditional Malacca
         power of Sriwijaya and Palembang by breaking relations   Strait pirates (Orang laut) also made Palembang their
         with the Javanese Majapahit. Unfortunately for him,   home such that the City became a pirate haven. And it
         Majapahit responded by sending a large naval expedition   remained so until admiral Cheng Ho, on behalf of the
         around 1391,  which defeated Parameswara’s forces at   Ming Dynasty, defeated them.

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