Page 333 - Chinese and Asian Ceramics from an Indonesian Collection
P. 333
Ceramics from the Musi River 5
Figurine, person on camel, camel with large upper chest
K1112. collar, slit on rump, tail damaged, head of person missing.
Tiles, each of five tiles decorated with impressed swastika H: 12. Possibly Chinese, Tang Dynasty or earlier. Prior to
and connecting linear lines. Possibly made for Buddhist C9? Found at Palembang, Musi River.
temples in Java. Length: 13.7; width: 26.5; thickness: 3.2.
C8–C14. Found at Palembang, Musi River, Sungai Rebo.
Figurine, toy, sitting dove? head small, large round eyes,
neck collar, wings raised and clamped to prevent flight,
base flat, body brittle and cracked. H: 4.4. Possibly Chinese,
Tang Dynasty or earlier. Prior to C9? Found at Palembang,
K1117. Musi River, Sungai Rebo.
Jar, foot ring small with flat base upper part of neck
missing. H: 17.5. Unknown origin and date. Found at
Palembang, Musi River.
Jar, foot ring small with recessed base, decorated on
shoulder with two encircling rings of apparently roulette
K1237. side on v-shaped impressions. H: 8.6. Possibly local copy
Figurine, head of man, probably attached to a jar lid. of early Indian ware, unknown age. Found at Palembang,
H: 5.1. Probably from anthropomorphic jarlets, possibly Musi River, Sungai Rebo.
from Philippines, early Metal Age. Cf Dizon (2003, Page
64). Found at Palembang, Musi River.
Figurine, toy, sitting dove, head small, large round eyes,
neck collar, wings raised and clamped, base flat. H: 7.7. K1395.
Possibly Chinese, Tang Dynasty or earlier. Prior to C9? Figurine, face of Hindu deity, probably Shiva, with spot
Found at Palembang, Musi River. between eyes, headdress with five light brown lotus
shaped projections above face–each with fine carving of a
deity–and an acorn shaped taller dark brown headdress.