Page 41 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of art
P. 41
Qing Dynasty
The horizontal stone skilfully carved and polished to the concavities
imitating ravines, the stone of deep green tone with slight black
veining, with a hardwood stand engraved with a seal mark reading
Ruan Yuan zhiyin (seal of Ruan Yuan).
44cm (17 1/4in) wide x 22cm (8 3/4) high. (2).
HKD150,000 - 250,000
US$19,000 - 32,000
清 嶗山石山子配阮元款座
Ruan Yuan (1764–1849), an important scholar in the first half of 18th 嶗山綠石質,橫山形,三山兩壑,溝澗略有打磨,石質深翠厚潤,
century, was also a prominent collector of archaic bronzes and scholar 墨綠如黛,略有黑色石理,硬木底座一角上陰刻「阮元之印」。
rocks. He published the renowned five volumes of Shihua Ji (Book of
Pictorial Rocks) in 1832, which was a milestone for the research of 嶗山綠石乃中國文人供石後起之秀,又稱海底玉,只產於青島嶗山附
scholar’s rocks in the Qing dynasty. 近海溝内。清中期以來,多有名人追捧,陳介祺(1813-1884)、高鳳翰
Unlike well-known Taihu, Lingbi and Yingde rocks which have a long 「月照昆崗」,見張傳倫著,《鑒賞名家説收藏:張傳倫説供石》,
history of being collected and appreciated over centuries, Laoshan 北京,2016年,頁111;以及高鳳翰舊藏之嶗山綠石山子「小方壺」,
rocks (found near Laoshan, Shandong Province) only became 現藏上海博物館,見《高齋雋友:胡可敏捐贈文房供石展》,上
popular as scholar’s rocks no earlier than the mid Qing dynasty. Xiao 海,2020年。
fanghu, a Laoshan rock collected by Gao Fenghan (1683–1749) and
Wu Hufan (1894–1968), dated 1716, is probably one of the earliest 阮元(1764–1849),乾嘉時期著名金石學者,著有《石畫記》五
Laoshan rocks with a documentary date; see Elegant Friends for a 卷,為有清一代中國賞石譜錄之最。
Lofty Studio: Scholars’ Rocks Presented by Ms. Hu Kemin, Shanghai,
2020. Compare also with a similar Laoshan rock, ‘Yuezhao kungang’,
collected by Chen Jieqi (1813-1884), is illustrated by C.Zhang,
Jianshan mingjia shuoshoucang: Zhang Chuanlun shuogongshi
(Collectors’ Collections Notes: Zhang Chuanlun’s Note on Scholar
Rocks), Beijing, 2016, p.111.