Page 84 - Bonhams Fine Japanese Works of Art Sept 2015
P. 84

3144                                                3145


3143                                             3146                                                3149
A STAG-ANTLER NETSUKE OF KAN’U                   THREE WOOD NETSUKE                                  A WOOD NETSUKE OF THREE RATS
Edo period (19th century)                        Edo period and later (18th-20th century)            By Masateru of Osaka, Edo period
The fierce Chinese general Kan’u (in Chinese     The first, a standing figure dressed in flowing     (19th century)
Guan Yu) carved on horseback, a halberd in       robes and a hood, holding a handscroll; the         Formed as two small rats crawling on the
his hands, the finely carved detail highlighted  second carved as a lotus seed pod, the seeds        back of a third larger rat in an attempt to
in stain, the horse’s eyes inlaid in dark horn   free-moving; the third carved as a shishi seated    get at the bean the large rodent has in its
2 7/8 in (7.3cm) high                            on a plinth, his left paw resting on a ball carved  forepaws, the himotoshi formed by the larger
$1,500 - 2,500                                   with a free-moving gem inside                       rat’s curled tail, the eyes inlaid in amber and
                                                 4in (10.2cm); 1 1/2in (4cm) high; 1 3/4in           horn, signed in a reserve Masateru
3144                                             (4.4cm) high                                        1 3/4in (4.4cm) wide
A STAG-ANTLER AND MIXED METAL                    $1,000 - 1,500                                      $5,000 - 7,000
Edo period (19th century)                        3147                                                3150
An oval disc section of stag-antler pierced      A WOOD NETSUKE OF A GOAT                            A GROUP OF FIVE WOOD MASK NETSUKE
and carved in the form of leaves among           By Yukisada, Edo period (18th/19th century)         AND A PAINTED WOOD NETSUKE
waves and inlaid in iro-e takazogan with a       Finely rendered as a recumbent bearded goat,        The set of five by Deme, Edo period
naked Kintaro mounting a large carp, fitted      its head turned to the side, the eyes inlaid in
with a metal ring himotoshi on the underside     dark horn, the natural himotoshi formed by the      (19th century)
2 1/4in (5.7cm) high                             intersection of the goat’s legs, the wood bearing
$1,800 - 2,500                                   a rich patina, signed in a reserve Yukisada         Comprising wood mask netsuke of the
                                                 1 3/4in (4.5cm) wide                                characters Yase-onna, Yase-otoko and
3145                                             $5,000 - 7,000                                      others, all signed Deme to, and a miniature
A PORCELAIN NETSUKE OF A RAT                                                                         painted wood mask of Okina, applied
Edo period (19th century)                        3148                                                eyebrows and beard and hinged jaw
The rodent seated with its paws held at its      A WOOD NETSUKE OF A SHISHI                          2 3/8in (6cm) high
mouth and its tail curling up its back with a    Edo period (18th/19th century)                      $800 - 1,200
cobalt glaze overall                             Carved standing on an oval base with its head
1 1/4 in (3.2 cm) high                           turned to the left, a front paw resting on a ball,
$800 - 1,200                                     the eyes inlaid with brass pupils
                                                 1 5/8in (4.1cm) wide
                                                 $800 - 1,200

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