Page 402 - Oriental Series Japan and China, Brinkly
P. 402
M. Salvetat says that French keramists have experi-
enced no difficulty in imitating the Tzu-chin glaze,
but in China and Japan its production has never been
deemed easy. The celebrated Hao Shih-chu, who
flourished at the end of the sixteenth century, is said
to have been remarkable for his skill in manufactur-
ing monochromes of this kind. The colour varies
from chocolate to light brown. Decoration in white
slip was often added with excellent effect. In com-
paratively modern and valueless pieces the Tzu-chin
often covers outside surfaces while the interiors have
a glaze of impure mazarine blue or green. Speci-
mens of brown monochromes are seldom of large
dimensions. Rice-cups, bowls, plates, and small vases
are the usual examples. Good pieces generally have
designs engraved under the glaze.