Page 521 - Oriental Series Japan and China, Brinkly
P. 521


18. Ta-Ming Wan It nien chih = made                                Great Tsing (1875  still reign-

             in the IVanli era of the Great                            ing)-

           Ming (1573-1620).                           40. Seal form of No. 39.

=19. Ta-Ming Tien-chi nien chih made                   HALL MARKS.

            in the Tienchi era of the Great            =41. Shung-te fiing chih made at the

        =Ming (1621-1627).                             Hall of the Practice of Virtue.

20. Chung chen nien chih made in the                   =42. Lin-vu-tang chih  made at the

              Cktmg-cktti era (1628-1643).                           Jade-forest Hall.

               N.H. The last of the Ming eras. It is   =43. Ching-lten-tang fan-ku chih made
             seldom found with the prefix Ta-MiHg.
                                                                   in imitation of old ware at Ching-
Tsing Dynasty (1644 to present time).                             lien (name of a renowned scholar)

21. Ta- Tsing Shun-chi nien chih made                                 Hall.

            in the Shun-chi era of the Great           =44. Ki-yu-tang chih made at the Hall

            Tsing (1644-1661).                                     of Rare Jade.
22. Seal form of No. 21.                               45. I-yu-tang chih =. made at the Hall
23. Ta-Tsing JCang-ksi nien chih
                                                                    of Ductile Jade.
           made in the Kang-hsi era of the
            Great Tsing (1662-1722).                   =46. Tseu-shun-mei-yu-tang chih made
24. Seal form of No. 23.
                                                                 at the Hall of Good Order and
25. Ta-Tsing Yung-ching ni,n chih
                                                                     Fair Jade.
          made in the Yung-c/lingers, of the
            Great Tsing (i7 2 3- I 735>-               47. Ta-shu-tangchih made at the Hall
26. Seal form of No. 25.
                                                                   of Great Trees.
27. Ta-Tsing Chien-lung nien chih =L
                                                       =48. I-yu-tang chih made at the Hall
          made in the C/iien-Ittngwa. of the
            Great Tsing (1736-1795).                                 of Profit.
28. Seal form of No. 27.
29. Seal form of No. 27 without the                    =49. Yiing-ho-tang chih made at the

        =prefix Ta-Tsing.                                          Hall for Promoting Tranquillity.

30. Chia-ching nien chih made in the                   =50. Lu-i-tang=. Hall of Green Ripples.

             Chia-ching era ( 1 796-1 820).            51. Tsai-jun-tang chih made at the

                N.B. This is also found with the pre-          =Hall of Glowing Tints.
             fix Ta-Tsing.
                                                       52. Yu-tang kia-ki fair vessel of the
=31. Ta-Tsing Chia-ching nien chih
                                                       Jade Hall.
            seal form of No. 30.
32. Ta-Tsing Taoti-Kwang nien chih                        NOMINAL MARKS.

          made in the Taou-Kwang era of                   N.B. Names of makers are rarely found
                                                       on Chinese porcelains, and when they do
            the Great Tsing (1821-1850).
                                                       occur they are of little use for purposes of
                N.B. This is frequently found without  identification, for no records nitherto
             the prefix Tn-Tsing.                      available give any accurate account of
                                                       Chinese Keramists, with the exception
33. Seal form of No. 32.                               of the Yi-shing artists referred to in the
34. Another form of No. 33.
=35. Ta-Tsing Hsien-fung nien chih
                                                       53. Shing-yu Ya-chi =. graceful assem-
           made in the Hsien-fung era of the                        blage of revered friends. This
            Great Tsing (1851-1861).
36. Seal form of No. 35.                                          mark is not identified. It may
                                                                  be merely a complimentary mark ;
=37. Ta-Tsing Tting-chi nien chih                                or it may be, as Mr. Franks sug-

          made in the Tung-chi era of the                      =gests, the name of a firm.
            Great Tsing (1862-1874).
38. vSeal form of No. 37.                              53-A Li-chih a maker's name.

=39. Ta-Tsing A'wang-hsil nien chih                    =54. Chung kuh-shi the Chung-kuh

          made in the Kiaang-hsit era of the                         family.

                                                       55. Fun the name of a maker.

                                                       =56. Tsun-chin the name of a maker.

                                                       57. Lin Chang-tse tsao made by Lin


                                                       58. Ko Ming-chiang chih =. made by

                                                                  K.6 Ming-chiang; a mark found
                                                                  onfiambe Kwang-yao dating from
                                                                    the seventeenth century.
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