Page 19 - Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Paintings July 8th, 2020 Hong Kong
P. 19
Born in Fujian in 1898, Yu Chengyao served in the military until his 余承堯1898年生於福建,成年後服役於軍隊。1920年代,他於日本
retirement in 1949 after which he settled in Taiwan. Yu was educated 早稻田大學學習,並從1923年開始任教於黃埔軍校。1949年從軍隊
at the Waseda University in Japan and taught at the Whampoa Military 退役後,移居台灣。
Academy from 1923.
Throughout his youth, Yu memorized the magnificent landscapes he saw
in China and Taiwan and began to paint them only upon his retirement. 面中。他通過繪畫表達了對祖國的熱愛,對故土的懷念和對逝去的
His paintings express his appreciation for his motherland, the longing to 生活的追憶。儘管從未接受正式的繪畫訓練,但他師法自然。他認
return, and the reminiscence of a life that passed. Although Yu did not 為,只有全身心的投入自然中,才能捕捉到真實的比例和距離。余
receive formal education in painting, he saw nature as his teacher. He 氏作品中繁複的筆法不屬於任何畫派,但卻賦予畫面中的山水以生
believed that an artist can only capture the real proportion and distances 機和活力。通過表現古人和自然之間的聯繫,余氏展現了真正的文
through fully immersing oneself in nature. His dense and unconventional 人本色。
brushworks give life and energy to the landscapes he portrayed.
Irrespective of his technique, Yu shows the true essence of the literati by
manifesting the connection that the ancients and nature shared.