Page 26 - Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Paintings July 8th, 2020 Hong Kong
P. 26

Beyond the appreciation for Chinese painting techniques, there exists a   「捕捉實景、抒發情懷」是中國繪畫欣賞技法之外的另一境界。五
          high regard for ’professing sentiments through veristic depiction.’ Five   年前,何百里以七十之齡登山西太行山王莽嶺,觀日出之際,觸發
          years ago, at the age of seventy, He Baili ascended Taihang Mountain’s   創作靈感。「曦望」系列  -  借晨㬢景象以傳達希望之意。常言“一
          Wangmang Ridge in Shanxi. The sight of sunrise enkindled creative   日之計在於晨”,藝術家聯想過去觀賞日出經歷,湧現更多創作靈
          inspiration within him and ultimately led to the genesis of the Dawning   感。《錦田曦望》意境構思,來自昔日香港新界元朗以東的錦田,
          of Hope series. Associating the image of daybreak with his art, He imparts   一望無際連綿着農田的平原,充滿原野氣息,乃畫家寫生必到之
          hope and evokes the classic Chinese saying of “making the most out of the
          morning.” The conception of Dawning of Hope emerged from Kam Tin, a   地。作者憶述上世紀70年代,與藝友  -  陳丙光、丘丙良、鄭嵩及陳
          boundless wilderness located east of  Yuen Long in the New Territories of   秋言組合「鄉村畫會五友」,常到錦田群生園雅集,並於夜後垂釣
          Hong Kong. Since the 1970s, He spent much time in Kam Tin with his   錦田河至天亮,欣賞晨光美景。由以聯想當年與藝友切磋論藝真摯
          artist friends including Chen Bingguang, Qiu Bingliang, Zhen Song, and   之情懷,筆下舊日情景,融匯成意閒心靜之佳作。
          Chen Qiuyan. Besides frequenting its gardens and fishing in the Kam Tin
          River until the crack of dawn, He and his artistic friends also exchanged
          views on art and enjoyed many sunrises together. Alluding to his bygone
          days, He Baili instils peace and serenity in his fine work.

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