Page 107 - Christie's Fine Chinese Paintings Auction September 11, 2018
P. 107

Steven C. Rockefeller, Jr. discussing “Stampeding Horses in Snow”, International Conference
                                  Center at Yanqi Hu
                                  Steven C. Rockefeller, Jr. 先生在雁棲湖的國際會議中心討論《萬馬奔馳傲風雪圖》。

          Born in Xi’an, Ma Xinle received extensive artistic training beginning at a   出生在西安的馬欣樂從小就受到了非常廣泛的藝術教育。在北京的釣
          young age, when he beneftted from opportunities to observe such masters   魚台國賓館,他親身觀察國畫大師李可染、陸儼少、以及程十髪示範
          as Li Keran, Lu Yanshao, and Cheng Shifa demonstrate painting at Diaoyutai   作畫,受益良多。他從西安美術學院得到了碩士學位,師承程十髪、
          State House.  He received a Master’s degree in Chinese traditional painting
          from the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts and studied with such modern
          masters as Cheng Shifa ,Liu Wenxi,  and Huang Zhou,  who exerted the
          strongest infuence on the young artist.  After he moved to the United
          States, Ma Xinle also studied connoisseurship with the artist-collector C.C.
          Wang (Wang Jiqian, 1907-2003).  A very versatile artist, he also received an
          MFA in oil painting from Bowling Green State University in Ohio and
          taught watercolor and Chinese paintings for eight years.  He now is active
          as an educator, art advisor, and cultural representative to such organizations   英國女王伊麗莎白二世。
          as the Beijing Yanhuang Art Museum, the Rockefeller Art Foundation, and
          the Chinese Artists Association.  Ma Xinle’s paintings have been widely  這幅巨幅又充滿戲劇性的《萬馬奔馳傲風雪圖》的第一版,是在北京
          exhibited in museums and galleries in China, the U. S. , Canada and other   雁棲湖APEC 國際會議中心主席會客廳的壁畫。之後在二〇一二年,
          countries,  and they can be found in museums,  private and corporate  馬欣樂為他的朋友Steven Rockefeller Jr. 特別製作了第二版,稍作改變
          collections,  and government monumental buildings.  In 2016 one of his  但是同樣是氣勢磅礴。這十年以來,Rockefeller 先生和夫人一直是馬
          paintings, The Nine Galloping Horses, was presented to Queen Elizabeth   欣樂作品的收藏家。他們的友誼促成了不少中國文化交流的活動, 包
          II on her 90th birthday as a state gift from the People’s Republic of China.  括在耶魯大學,二〇一六年開始,名為“書法和商業的藝術”的展
          The frst version of this large and dramatic composition of horses racing   伉儷收藏的肖像,是描述一位在古代,集合將軍、教師、和文人身份
          through a blizzard of snow hangs in the main conference room at the  於一身的名人。
          International Conference Center at Yanqi Hu Lake, Huairou, Beijing, which
          has hosted such important events as the Asia-Pacifc Economic Cooperation
          (APEC) Forum.  In 2012 Steven C.  Rockefeller,  Jr.  commissioned Ma
          Xinle to complete a second but equally powerful version offered here.  Mr.
          Rockefeller and his wife Kimberly have been enthusiastic collectors’ of Ma
          Xinle’s paintings for a decade.  This relationship and friendship has resulted
          in the coordination of several Chinese art and culture exchange programs,
          including “Calligraphy and The Art of Business”  now on view at Yale
          University.  A key work on loan in this exhibition is Ma Xinle’s towering
          portrait of Yan Zhenqing (709-785) an historic Tang Dynasty calligrapher,
          governor and general.

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