Page 26 - Christie's Fine Chinese Paintings Auction September 11, 2018
P. 26

          WEN RENGAI (LATE 16TH CENTURY)                      Chen Rentao, Notes and Comments on the Paintings of King Kwei
          Landscape After Song and Yuan Masters               Collection, Dongnan Shuju, 1956, pp. 152-155.
          Album of ten leaves, ink and color on paper
                                                              Wen C. Fong, Images of the Mind: Selections from the Edward L. Elliott
          8 ¿ x 6 ¬ in. (20.6 x 16.8 cm.)                     Family and John B. Elliott Collections of Chinese Calligraphy, Princeton
          Inscribed and signed, with a total of ten seals of the artist
                                                              University Press, 1984, pp. 369-374, pl. 28.
          Dated winter, jiashen year of the Wanli era (1584)
          Further inscribed by Lu Guansheng, Zhu Geng, Yang Wenhuan, Yang   明   聞人盖   山水   設色紙本   冊頁十開      一五八四年作
          Dezheng, Wang Heng, Shike, Hu Shiling, and Zhang Yue, with a total
          of ffteen seals                                     題識:萬曆甲申(1584年)冬,古餘聞人蓋。
          $20,000-40,000                                      呂光升、楊文煥、史鈳、王荁、朱賡、楊德政、胡時麟、張岳對題書
          EXHIBITED                                           展覽:普林斯頓大學美術館,“心靈的圖像:精選Edward L. Elliott 家
          The Art Museum, Princeton University, Images of the Mind, 15 April -   族和John B. Elliott收藏的中國書法”,1984年4月15日至6月17日。
          17 June 1984.
          Chen Weilüe, Chinese Paintings from King Kwei Collection, Bianli Tang,   方聞,《心靈的圖像:Elliott收藏中國書畫》,普林斯頓大學,1984年,
          1956, pl. 31.                                       第369-374頁, 圖版28。

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