Page 35 - Christie's Fine Chinese Paintings Auction September 11, 2018
P. 35

          WENG TONGHE (1830-1904)                             清    翁同龢     書法    水墨紙本      立軸四幅      一八八〇年作
          Calligraphy                                         題識:
          Set of four hanging scrolls, ink on paper           蔡明遠,鄱陽人,真卿昔刺饒州,即嘗趨事,及來江右,無改厥勤,
          Each scroll measures 57 æ x 14 æ in. (146.7 x 37.5 cm.)  靖言此心,有足嘉者。昨緣受替歸北,中止金陵,闔門百口,幾至餬
          Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist  口。明遠與夏鎮不遠數千里,冒涉江湖,連舸而來,不愆晷刻。庚辰
          Dated tenth month, gengchen year (1880)        (4)  (1880年)十月叔平翁同龢。


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