Page 9 - Christie's Important Chinese Art Nov 3 2020 London
P. 9

IllustrIous Provenance:

                 archaIc Jades from the
               collectIon of Baron and

                  Baroness von oertzen

                            lots 1-7

                                                                            Baron and Baroness von Oertzen

          Christie’s is delighted to bring to the market this   in Batavia (modern day Jakarta) of the Dutch East Indies.
          exquisite group of archaic jades from the Baron and   In May 1940 Hitler invaded Holland, and the Baron and
          Baroness von Oertzen Collection, all of which were   Baroness were interned separately in prison camps
          acquired by current owner from the Fine Chinese     by the Dutch authorities. He was later transferred to
          Ceramics and Works of Art auction in London, 4      India as the Japanese approached Singapore, while she
          November 2008.                                      was transferred to China. The Baroness managed to
                                                              get a job working for the Canadian Consulate General
          The late Baroness Irene von Oertzen (1908-2007) and   in China, and during her years in China she began her
          her husband Baron Klaus-Detlof von Oertzen (1894 -   studies in Chinese culture and language. It was during
          1991), were passionate collectors of Chinese art, and   this period that her passion for Chinese art developed.
          together they amassed a remarkable collection of great   The Baroness had a special fondness for jade carvings,
          scope and quality, particularly with regards to Chinese   and the von Oertzen collection includes a distinguished
          jade carvings. The Baroness could not only speak    group of archaic jade pieces.
          and write Chinese fluently, she also had a profound
          understanding of the Chinese culture, having lived and   The Baroness through her contacts in the consulate
          worked there for seven years. The Baron is descended   managed to transfer her husband to China, and was
          from one of the oldest families of North Germany and   finally reunited with him after six years of separation.
          was a world-renowned industrialist involved in the motor   Just as the Baron established himself in Shanghai as a
          industry for most of his long life. The couple settled in   second-hand car dealer, the civil war broke out between
          South Africa after the Second World War, and he is   the Communists and the Nationalists and the couple
          sometimes referred to as the "Father of Volkswagen of   found themselves once again embroiled in war. They
          South Africa".                                      eventually had to leave and returned to South Africa in
                                                              1948. In 1951 Volkswagen in Germany appointed Baron
          In 1932 Baron von Oertzen, who had been in charge   von Oertzen as their representative in South Africa. He
          of sales at the motor manufacturer Wanderer, became   was instrumental in the early stages of negotiations to
          sales director and chairman of the board of directors of   bring Volkswagen to South Africa, and was present at
          Auto Union - the amalgamation of Wanderer and three   the historic signing in 1951 of the agreement between
          other German manufacturers, namely Audi, DKW and    SAMAD and Volkswagenwerk to assemble Volkswagens
          Horch, under the pressures of the depressed German   in Uitenhage. When Volkswagenwerk took over a
          economy. The new company's four-ringed emblem,      controlling interest in SAMAD in 1956, he became the
          which von Oertzen suggested, can still be seen in the   chairman of the company, which eventually changed its
          modern Audi logo.                                   name to Volkeswagen of South Afirca.
          The Baron and Baroness travelled in 1938 via India to   The Baroness in her later years divided her time between
          Australia, where they stayed for two years, setting up   Johannesburg and Switzerland. She was a guest of
          a factory to manufacture the DKW saloon. Before the   honour at the opening of the AutoPavilion in 2004,
          outbreak of war the car was selling at the rate of 2000   where a Jagdwagen Kombi, the second Kombi ever to
          a year in Australia and New Zealand. As the war clouds   arrive in South Africa, belonging to Baron von Oertzen,
          gathered business was declining, and the couple arrived   is on display.
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