Page 50 - Christies Japanese and Korean Art Sept 22 2020 NYC
P. 50

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          A MOTHER-OF-PEARL INLAID LACQUER TIERED BOX         In the late sixteenth century, Japanese lacquer makers had a global
                                                              clientele and vied to come up with innovative designs. They
                                                              produced portable desks and boxes for the European, and especially
          The three-tiered square box and cover decorated in gold, silver, and   the Portuguese, market. The style is known as nanban (literally,
          polychrome lacquer hiramaki-e and takamaki-e and inlaid in mother-
                                                              “southern barbarian”), meaning foreign. Bands of geometric
          of-pearl on a black ground with geometric patterns
                                                              patterns in mother-of-pearl reflect Moorish or Gujarati influence on
          8Ω x 7¿ x 7¿ in. (21.6 x 18.1 x 20 cm.)
                                                              this exotic, hybrid style. For a box with similar geometric bands in
          $50,000-70,000                                      the collection of Suntory Museum of Art, see Nihon no bi to takumi
                                                              (Japanese Beauty and Craftmanship), exh. cat. (Nagoya: Nagoya
                                                              City Museum and Suntory Museum of Art, 1992), no. 39.

                                                                                  (another view)
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