Page 77 - Christies Japanese and Korean Art Sept 22 2020 NYC
P. 77

          A SILVER PRESENTATION VASE                          In Shinto belief, hemp symbolize sanctity and purity and play
          MEIJI-TAISHO PERIOD (EARLY 20TH CENTURY), SIGNED ITO   very important role. Often seen during the ritual ceremony at
          KATSUHIDE KINKOKU (CARVED BY ITO KATSUHIDE)         shrines, sacred staff with paper streamers (nusa) and the garments for
          Of high-shouldered ovoid form, inlaid in gold takazogan, hirazogan   Imperial Enthronement rituals are known to be made out of hemp.
          and finely incised and carved in katagiri-bori and shishiai-bori with
                                                              Ito Katsuhide was a metalworker active in Tokyo from Meiji to
          branches of hemp on front and reverse sides, applied with gold
          sixteen-petal chrysanthemum crests of the Imperial Household on the   Showa period, apprenticed to the great metal artist, Unno Shomin
          neck, the signature and stamp jungin (pure silver) on base  (1844-1915) for 5 years from 1890. He participated in many
          12¬ in. (32.1 cm.) high                             exhibitions, including the 1900 International Exposition held in
                                                              Paris and the 1910 Japan-British Exhibition held in London.
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