Page 86 - Christies Japanese and Korean Art Sept 22 2020 NYC
P. 86

An Edo (later Tokyo) native, Katsuhiro apprenticed as a boy to a   document dated 1936, the greatest craftsmen of the day were
          carver of Noh masks before studying drawing under Shibata Zeshin   involved in the present work, naming Tomioka Fumitaro as
          and metalworking under Nomura Katsumori and the eminent   working on the black-lacquered shagreen exterior of the box, and
          Kano Natsuo. A frequent participant in national and international   Kawanobe Itcho (1831-1910) who lacquered the nashiji ground of
          exhibitions, he was appointed a professor at the Tokyo School   interior of the box. Apprenticed to the eminent Komai Family of
          of Fine Arts in 1903. Like his mentor Natsuo, Katsuhiro joined   lacquers, Itcho was highly skilled at traditional lacquer techniques
          the elite membership of Teishitsu Gigeiin (Artists to the Imperial   and he was appointed an Imperial Household Artist (Teishitsu
          Household) in 1906, insuring him important commissions,   gigeiin) in 1896.
          exposure and recognition. Katsuhiro is especially known as a master
          of katakiri-bori technique (sculpting with oblique cuts of the chisel   This important work was made under the supervision of Katsuhiro
          in simulation of brush strokes) showing extremely delicate lines and   in order to showcase the excellence of Meiji period metalwork and
          graceful figures on this work.                      lacquer work achieved by the great artists of the day.
          The present work was exhibited at the Japan-British Exhibition
          in 1910 and won a gold prize. According to the accompanying

          Accompanied document signed by Kagawa Katsukiyo (1894-1967)
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