Page 38 - SOtheby's Hong Kong Hawthorne Collection Scholar's Art May 2018
P. 38
The ruyi (literally meaning ‘as you wish’) sceptre is a talisman 如意寓意吉祥,相信於戰國末、西漢初濫觴,後由道家依
presented to bestow good fortune. Believed to have originated 長壽仙草,即靈芝,模樣塑造,以求福願。如意風尚自雍
from the end of the Warring States Period to the beginning of
the Western Han dynasty, it was later adapted by Daoists who
introduced the heart-shaped head rendered as a lingzhi, the 須以精選之料、超卓之技相輔方可圓滿,帝后壽誕、新歲
fungus of immortality, to express well-wishing. It was during 慶典亦多以之祝壽。
the Yongzheng (r. 1723-35) reign that the auspicious tradition
of the ruyi sceptre was revived, and reached unprecedented
demand under the Qianlong (r. 1736-95) Emperor, who was so 玉牌,雕五爪飛龍,威嚴可敬,另二玉飾各雕螭龍,形態
fond of such objects. Its auspicious nature was subsequently 相異,嵌於長柄中央及末端;紫檀柄飾纏枝花卉。此件如
complemented with the choice of material and high level of
craftsmanship and often presented at imperial birthdays and
New Year celebrations. 紫檀嵌玉之如意乃乾隆朝首創,以龍為飾者,尤罕。縱
The present sceptre is striking for the combination of materials 紋飾有別,紫檀嵌玉類例可比二件,其一,白玉飾雕仙
which have been skilfully executed resulting in a harmonious 鶴壽桃,紫檀柄雕鶴鹿同春,背有大臣王杰題字,售於
composition. The jade inlaid on the ruyi head has been
elaborately carved with a ferocious five-clawed dragon, while
two playful chilong, rendered in different postures, adorn the
jade plaques inset on the centre and end of the shaft. Together 編號8。
with the naturalistically rendered floral scrolls that decorate
the zitan shaft, this piece boasts the power, abundance and
creativity of the Qianlong reign.
Zitan sceptres embellished with jade insets were an innovation
of the Qianlong period, and it is rare to find examples that
incorporate dragons into the decorative scheme. Compare
zitan and jade sceptres of this type, but with variations in
decorations, such as one, bearing the signature of Wang Jie,
the white jade plaques carved with cranes surrounded by
peaches, and the shaft rendered with cranes and deer amidst
pine tree, rocks and other vegetation, sold in our New York
rooms, 19th/20th March 2013, lot 422; and another, the jade
carved with peach, pomegranate and citrons respectively, sold
in these rooms, 27th April 2003, lot 8.
36 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比