Page 48 - SOtheby's Hong Kong Hawthorne Collection Scholar's Art May 2018
P. 48


           A RARE INLAID ZITAN ‘DOUBLE-GOURDS’       清乾隆   紫檀嵌寶瓜瓞綿綿渣斗
           intricately inlaid in mother-of-pearl, soapstone, stained horn,
           horn and lacquer, decorated with butterflies hovering among
           gnarled branches suspending small gourds and coiled tendrils
           h. 10.3 cm, 4 in.
           HK$ 300,000-500,000
           US$ 38,300-64,000

          This superbly carved and inlaid zitan vessel is extremely rare,   本件紫檀嵌寶渣斗工藝精湛,實為難求,各博物館及私人
           and no other example appears to be recorded in any private or   收藏均無類例。仿古之器素得乾隆青睞,此渣斗形制古
           museum collection. The form of the zhadou itself is archaistic,
           encapsulating the refined taste of the Qianlong Emperor,
           who valued works of art created in imitation of antiquity. A
           bamboo zhadou vessel of similar form in the Palace Museum,   集》,澳門藝術博物館,2005年,編號131,據圖錄稱,
           Beijing was included in the exhibition Views of Antiquity in the   其器形可溯至商初。
           Qing Imperial Palace: Special Catalogue to Celebrate the 80th
           Anniversary of the Establishment of the Palace Museum, Macao   葫蘆紋飾以百寶嵌就,工巧細膩,宛若天成,藤蔓蜿蜒盤
           Museum of Art, Macao, 2005, cat. no. 131, where it is noted   錯,枝葉栩栩如生。葫蘆紋飾於乾隆朝喜聞樂見,相類纏
           that the form follows the early Shang prototype.
          The rendition of the inlaid gourds, intricately inlaid in a rich   款,清宮舊藏,今仍貯北京,錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍
           variety of materials, achieves exquisite naturalism through
           the spontaneity of the undulating scrolling gourd vines and
           the vividness of the detailing, including the intricate veins of
           the leaves. The motif of gourds was a particularly popular one
           on Qianlong works of art, as seen by other works of art with
           similar composition of gourds and scrolling vines, such as
           a Qianlong reign-marked enamelled snuff bottle in the Qing
           court collection and still in Beijing, illustrated in The Complete
           Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum. Snuff Bottles,
           Hong Kong, 2003, p. 201, no. 311.

           46      SOTHEBY’S  蘇富比
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