Page 54 - SOtheby's Hong Kong Hawthorne Collection Scholar's Art May 2018
P. 54
A slightly larger zitan square brushpot, similarly inlaid with 見一相類紫檀百寶嵌花卉草蟲圖方形筆筒,尺寸較此品稍
gems forming a design of flowers and insects, from the 大,屬北京故宮博物院清宮舊藏,錄於《故宮博物院藏文
Qing court collection and still in Beijing, is illustrated in The 物珍品大系:竹木牙角雕刻》,上海,2001年,頁237。
Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum:
Bamboo, Wood, Ivory and Rhinoceros Horn Carvings, Shanghai,
2001, pl. 237. Compare also a zitan brushpot of this shape and 1992年4月28日,編號285。
related design sold in these rooms, 28th April 1992, lot 285.
52 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比