Page 72 - SOtheby's Hong Kong Hawthorne Collection Scholar's Art May 2018
P. 72


           A SUPERB INLAID HUANGHUALI                明嘉靖   傳周柱製黃花梨嵌寶狩獵圖蓋盒

           the cover finely inlaid in mother-of-pearl, soapstone, malachite,
           stained horn and other hardstones with a hunting scene,
           depicting the legendary archer, Yang Youji, on a galloping
           horse, loosing an arrow and bringing down a deer, detailed with
           a crane in flight, the rims bordered with wire-inlaid key-fret
           6.8 by 13.8 by 10.8 cm, 2⅝ by 5⅜ by 4¼ in.
           HK$ 1,000,000-1,500,000
           US$ 128,000-192,000
          The present box is a rare example of a group of inlaid boxes   此嵌寶狩獵圖蓋盒或為明嘉靖雕刻藝術大師周柱之作。此
           depicting huntsmen attributed to the work of the Jiajing period   類器均以其所鑲各色百寶細緻複雜,所創紋飾栩栩如生、
           master carver and artist, Zhou Zhu. As is characteristic of
           such works, the intricate inlay of various materials to depict a
           naturalistic scene is outstanding. For a detailed discussion on   場拍品編號12 。
          Zhou and his work, see the note to lot 12 in this catalogue.
          The design on the present box illustrates the legend of the   養由基。為戰備,楚共王舉箭射比賽,養由基參與其中。
           master archer, Yang Youji, who lived in the Spring and Autumn
           Period during the reign of Chu Zhuangwang (590-560BC). In   同類傳周柱製狩獵圖長方蓋盒,可見一尺寸略小之例,屬
           preparation for war, Chu initiated a series of tests for skilled   水松石山房舊藏,售於香港蘇富比2012年4月4日,編號
           archers in which Yang joined.
           Boxes attributed to Zhou Zhu and also depicting huntsman   於香港蘇富比2005年10月23日,編號90。另可比較其他
           scenes include a slightly smaller rectangular example, from the
           Water, Pine and Stone Retreat collection, sold in these rooms,   狩獵圖蓋盒例,紋飾更為複雜,北京故宮博物院藏一例,
           4th April 2012, lot 116; and a circular box, from the collection   錄於《故宮雕刻珍萃》,2004年,圖版100;另存一例,
           of Mary and George Bloch, also sold in these rooms, 23rd   所飾人物為神箭手養由基,曾兩度售於香港蘇富比,其一
           October 2005, lot 90. Compare also larger boxes illustrating   為2006年4月10日,編號1632;及2016年6月2日,編號
           more complex hunting scenes, such as one, in the Palace
           Museum, Beijing, published in The Palace Museum Collection   88,屬水松石山房舊藏。
           of Elite Carving, Beijing, 2004, pl. 100; and another depicting   狩獵紋飾之靈感應受同期或稍早期繪畫作品啟發,可參
           the legend of the master archer, Yang Youji, sold twice in these
           rooms, 10th April 2006, lot 1632, and again, 2nd June 2016, lot   考一十五世紀末畫作,繪馬上馴鷹狩獵,展於《Turks: A
           88, from the collection of the Water, Pine and Stone Retreat   Journey of a Thousand Years, 600-1600》,皇家藝術學
           Collection.                               院,倫敦,2005年,編號162。
          The inspiration for the decoration of the ‘huntsman’ boxes
           may have been drawn from contemporary or slightly earlier
           paintings; for example see a late-fifteenth century painting
           fragment included in the exhibition Turks: A Journey of a
          Thousand Years, 600-1600, The Royal Academy of Arts,
           London, 2005, cat. no. 162, depicting a huntsman on
           horseback holding a falcon.

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