Page 5 - retail news summer
P. 5

(03)9576 2344


                                                                            466-470 Waverley Rd

           PRODUCTS  |  INSTALLATION  |  DESIGN                             Malvern East VIC 3145


           Orbit Dual Outlet             Orbit Outdoor             Azoogi 3 Watt LED         Azoogi 7 Watt LED Spike
              Tap Timer                   Misting Kits                 Spike Spot                Spot with Hood
             $89.00                      $35.00                      $29.95                      $45.00

         20KG Lawn Renovator          Patrol Lawn Bug and         Rainbird Professional       Hydro Rain PVC LOCK
               Fertiliser                 Beetle Killer                Tap Timer                    Fittings
             $59.95                      $24.30                       $75.00                    FROM $5.15

         Bromic Waterboy 40lt       Bromic 400W Automatic           PondMAX PV350                 Orbit Plastic
            Pressure Pump                 Sump Pump                  Pond Vacuum                  Pipe Cutters
            $270.00                      $99.00                     $285.00                       $15.00

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