Page 2 - Irrigation Handover Viller & Brettenaux, Stonnington
P. 2

ABN 17421182033 | | | (03)9576 2344

         Dear Dominic,

         Thank you for contracting Malvern Irrigation Supplies for an irrigation installation at Brettenaux
         and Villers Square. We are please to have successfully completed the project and present this
         handover booklet.

         Within the handover booklet you will be able to view, print and download all material online.
         Simply click on the relevant picture and will take you to that particular fields landing page.


             As Built Irrigation Plans
             Product Manuals

             Product Brochures

             Photos
             Warranty Information

         Warranty Information

         Malvern Irrigation Supplies workmanship is guaranteed for 1 year and products are backed by
         manufacturer's warranties. All warranty claims must be emailed through to stating the problem, date and products affected. Any faults or
         damages caused by outside influences may encure repair charges.

         If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us

         Best Regards

         Danny Picinic

                                                                     Malvern Irrigation Supplies | Irrigation Handover
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