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CONTESTANTS                                        CONTESTANTS

    Heather Kaspar                                     Yi Mei

                    BAS, Realtor GRI, ABOR, HAR,                       China Doll Auctioneers
                    SCBORTDLI                                          Fort Hood, TX
                    Buck Up!                                           512.688.6636
                    Enterprises, LLC & My Real Estate        
                    Expert LLC/Buck Up Realty                
                    Carmine, TX
    Heather has been licensed as an auctioneer         Yi Mei was a graduate of Texas Auction
    since 2011 and a licensed Realtor since 2014.      Academy in June 2016. She began her career in
    She specializes in real estate, business, estate &   benefit auctions as well as real estate auctions
    personal property liquidations & fundraising &     since then. Yi Mei was the first Chinese women to
    event consultation. She also has experience        hold Benefit Auctioneer Specialist “BAS”
    working auto and livestock auctions. She is a      designation through the National Auctioneers
    member of the National Auctioneer Association,     Association. Her outlook on life has been shaped
    a Board Of Director for the Texas Auctioneer       by several cultures and influences. For her, service
    Association, and holds her Benefit Auctioneer      to the community is not just a personal passion,
    Specialist designation. She is based in Carmine,   it’s a family legacy.
    Texas but can contract or consult statewide.
    Heather will be seen on Season 5 of the            Clint Sherman
    popular Texas Flip & Move TV show, based in the
    Fort Worth area.
                                                                       JCS Auctioneering Inc.
                                                                       Lubbock, TX
    Tony Langdon                                                       806.548.2702
                    Aubrey, TX

                                                       Clint is a 1st generation auctioneer and
                                                       graduated from the Worldwide College of
                                                       Auctioneering in Iowa in 1993. In 1999, he was
                                                       the youngest World Auto Auction Champion.
                                                       He has been in business 23 years and married
    Tony provides auction, consulting and full         to Leslie for 22 years.  They have four children :
    auction management services. He specializes in     Alexis- 19 & attends Texas Tech, Blake - 16, and 12
    purebred livestock nationwide and is the 2001      year old  twin girls Graci & Roxi.   Clint specializes
    Texas State Champion Auctioneer and                in auto auctions and  FFA pig shows!
    International Livestock Auctioneer Champion

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