Page 18 - PROGRAM_2017_LSO_FINAL_online
P. 18

Catalog of Items

      For all Contest & Auction Items, you
      mUSt have a bidder number. Get                            PRELIMINARY ITEMS:
      your bidder number at the TAA                         Contestants are assigned lot
      registration desk in the Coliseum.                  numbers below and will draw for
      ALL bidders mUSt collect and PAy for              order to compete. Lot numbers will
      items by 4:45pm on October 27, 2017.               be announced as they compete.
      All items are sold “as is”, no warranty
      or guarantees. Preview and inspection            #100 A
      prior to auction is encouraged.                  BRADFORD

      Payment accepted by credit card,
      valid check or cash. A buyer’s                   CASe XX “TAPPeR”:
      premium of 10% on top of the winning             with Vintage Stag
      bid will be added for each item sold.            overlay. Would

      TAA is NOT liable for ANY items                  make a great
      that are unclaimed. Shipping                     collector’s piece
      arrangements can be made for                     for anyone who
      an additional fee.                               loves knives or a
                                                       great gift as well.

                                                       #100 B
          Lone Star Open
        Charity Partners
                                                       RUSTIC IRON
           Texas scoTTish RiTe                         complete with
         hospiTal foR childRen                         guns and spurs!
          Lone Star open benefits...                   These would be
          scottish right, etc.. AD                     wonderful accents
                                                       for your lawn or
      TAA and the Texas Auction Academy are            front porch. They are approximately
       proud to support the hospital and help          2-1/2 feet tall and really cool pieces.
                 make a difference!

            sTeak foR TRoops:
      ameRican Beef BaTTalion


      Thanking our troops, one steak at a time!
        The Texas lone star open is proud to
             support this unique effort.
                                                       All items and bids are final. TAA not liable for any misrepresentation.

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