Page 24 - PROGRAM_2017_LSO_FINAL_online
P. 24

Catalog of Items                                   Catalog of Items

    #106 A                                             #107 B
    JORDAN                                             KASPAR

    THE ULTIMATE YETI                                  TURQUOISE & DARK
    COMBO: Keep ALL                                    BROWN HAND-
    your drinks cold                                   TOOLED LEATHER
    OR hot for up to 18                                PURSE:
    hours! Includes: (1)                               Zipper Closure -
    30oz. Tumbler, (1)                                 Exterior & Interior
    18oz. Sealed Bottle, and (2) “Colster”             Pockets. 16”x5”x12”
    can Cozies.
                                                       #111 A
    #106 B                                             LANGDON
                                                       CUSTOM KNIFE:
    AMAZON ECHO                                        Custom made
    SHOW: Just released                                knife by Stephen
    Echo Show does                                     Mann. Camel
    everything the                                     Bone and Bull Horn
    previous generation                                handle with 2 1/2”
    did and much                                       Damascus steel
    more! She will even                                blade. With leather holster and clip.
    show you all your security cameras.
    All you have to do is ask her.                     #111 B

    #107 A
    KASPAR                                             CUSTOM KNIFE:
                                                       Custom made
    HANDMADE                                           knife by Stephen
                                                       Mann. Camel Bone
    DECORATIVE                                         handle with 2 1/2”
    WOODEN SHELF                                       Damascus steel
    WITH CROSS                                         blade with leather
    ACCENTS                                            holster and clip.

     All items and bids are final. TAA not liable for any misrepresentation.  All items and bids are final. TAA not liable for any misrepresentation.

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