Page 2 - writing_filp correction
P. 2
4. Organizing:
I learned a little the English language because for the classes I'm
following I'm complicated as speaking and writing in English.
5. Write my first draft.
I learned a little English
I learned a little English, like speaking and writing in English because
it made me very difficult to understand in class. Then, I learned to
[speak in English], listening to diverse types of music or downloading
on my cell phone. Watching movies on the computer subtitled in
English so I can understand what they are talking about, when I am
doing homework. finally, I could [write in English], reading a book
every day. Since with that being able to be in contact with the
language also with that I could learn new vocabularies and write at
least one conversation. Learning English can help me to pass the
semester and to travel to the countries that speak the English
# Words: 119
# Sentence: 6
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